Tom's Session On His Fear Of The Dark

map session example phobias

Fear of the dark is common among children and, to a varying degree, adults. It's not always about darkness itself; it can also be a fear of possible or imagined dangers concealed by darkness.

At the MAP Coaching Institute, we work with different phobias and fears since they can be paralyzing in your daily life.

This is a session with Tom who experienced a trauma when he was 8 and has been afraid to be in the dark alone ever since. Going outside would stress him out and make him turn around. Being in the dark was too scary for him. He had a feeling that someone was watching him and it was not pleasant.

In this video, you can see a glimpse of the one-hour session and the kind of results Tom obtained. He was so blown away by the lack of negative emotions when thinking about the dark that he needed to go outside and check by walking his dog. Guess where? In the dark!



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